What do you want to remember?
In every moment, our working memory provides the context for the meaning and the response we give to our experience in the moment. This working memory capacity is cumulative, while also making adjustments more or less with every moment, depending to a great extent on how and how much our attention is engaged in experiencing that moment. Questions about the details of how our memory works provide scientists and poets endless opportunities to investigate this essential ability in each of us. The scientific evidence is compelling that meditation is an effective practice for training the attention, as well as for enhancing memory.
“What do you want to remember?” From the perspective of the poet, William Stafford asks you directly to come to your senses engaging with this most urgent question, pointing to the “gift for the world” that’s in “the breathing respect that you carry wherever you go right now.” Such insight into the nature of the mind and how we see our place in the world shows us something about what it takes to be aware, and to care about the consequences of our presence here.
Exercise: Spend a moment right now answering the call in“You Reading This, Be Ready”, inviting you to pause and tune into your own present moment experience, simply coming to your senses, effortlessly- in seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching…
…and remember, there’s no right way or wrong way to do this. Whatever your experience is is simply your experience.