Practice Resources for Health Care Providers

Mindful Practice Program at the University of Rochester Medical Center

The University of Rochester Mindful Practice programs help to develop qualities of exemplary clinicians in all specialties and at all levels of experience. These qualities include the ability to be present, attentive, and curious, and to adopt a “beginner’s mind” with the goal of achieving greater awareness and insight into one’s own work.

Video: Mindful Practice for Medical Clinicians

“Mindful Practice” Ron Epstein, MD

Attending by Ron Epstein, MD

The first book about mindfulness and medical practice written for patients, their families, and for doctors and others providing health care.

Weekly MBSR and MBCT Sessions — UMASS Memorial Center for Mindfulness

Offering free weekly online sessions to support worldwide graduates of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) or Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) programs and those with an interest in mindfulness meditation. Join us for a guided meditation, reflection, and discussion.

Daily Mindfulness and Compassion Streams — UCSD Center for Mindfulness

UCSD working with The Sanford Institute, and the Compassion Institute are providing daily streams and recordings of mindfulness and compassion sessions to provide resources and online support to those affected.

What a Century-Old Painting Taught Me About Being Present as a Physician Today – By Bryan Vartabedian, M.D.